At one time or another you will have had to undertake the dreaded compliance training, faced with the eLearning module that when you click on to the landing page the enormity of the task is revealed. It describes your 60-minute learning journey with a 30 question knowledge check in which you must gain 90%.  You can see from the first few pages that those 60 minutes you are going to spend very much hoping at the end you can answer the knowledge check questions by previous knowledge or indeed luck!

However, compliance training need not be boring and at OnTrack we go out of our way to ensure compliance training is engaging, interestingly interactive but still delivers the regulatory information and corresponding knowledge check to meet the relevant requirements or standards.  There are many methods of getting across the necessary legal and often complicated messages through a blended and bite-sized approach without it detracting from the clear and important messages compliance training is required to deliver. Make the training engaging and memorable for the right reasons and people will want to complete it and probably learn and retain more.

compliance training
Photo by <a href=httpsunsplashcomheadwayioutm source=unsplashutm medium=referralutm content=creditCopyText>Headway<a> on <a href=httpsunsplashcomsphotosbusiness trainingutm source=unsplashutm medium=referralutm content=creditCopyText>Unsplash<a>

If it is completely new topic, such as covid compliance training, then why not break it down into four to five bite-size, digestible topics which can be viewed on a range of devices and launched at weekly intervals. Make it a story or a journey so the delegate wants to know the next stage or ‘what happens next’. Consider short animations or videos that tell a story with a variety of knowledge check questions at the end or a branching scenario so the learner can experiment with their new found knowledge and the consequences of not completing it correctly.

What if it is a sensitive subject matter?  eLearning is not necessarily known for being able to demonstrate empathy as the human element is less obvious.  Then, as designers and learning providers, we need to pay attention to the colours, tone, style and language and work with the client to determine the best method to deliver difficult messages.

At OnTrack our creative team, using their wealth of knowledge and experience, create compliance training that delivers the important messages, checks learners understanding and is ‘trackable’ but is also engaging, interactive, bright, bespoke and appropriate to the topic.

If you would like to discuss your compliance training elearning needs, or indeed any other form of learning for your organisation, then please do get in touch.