Coaching skills and practice

Do you want to enhance your coaching skills and have more quality conversations?

Developing coaching skills allows managers and leaders to empower others to reach their full potential, overcome challenges, and achieve their goals. By honing your coaching skills and practicing regularly, you can become a catalyst for positive change, fostering a culture of learning and continuous improvement. Whether you are a leader, a manager, or an individual looking to enhance your ability to support and develop others, coaching skills are an essential asset for unlocking potential and driving success..

What they will learn


Develop a strong understanding of the key components to coaching.


Guidance on building a powerful question bank to shape conversations.


Enhanced knowledge of coaching frameworks to implement.


Discover the growth mindset and develop skills to apply it.

How is it delivered?

20 minutes digital learning

120 minutes Virtual Classroom

30 minutes digital learning

Embed into the flow of work

What is involved?

This programme is designed help individuals structure and enhance their coaching conversations. It will focus on exploring the key concepts of coaching and recognising the differences between manager and coach.

The content includes practical frameworks to strengthen knowledge application and includes guided practice sessions. During the facilitated session there will be the opportunity to share best practice and discuss planned application to your role.

Suitable for: This session is facilitated live by a learning expert and aimed at team leaders/managers and aspiring coaches.

Download our full OnDemand learning solutions brochure

We have developed several OnDemand Interactive Learning Solutions to enable you to start your company’s learning journey swiftly and effortlessly. We incorporate our blended learning technique and cover a variety of topics to solve many business challenges. Download our brochure to find out more.

If you are looking for a tailored approach to learning within your business, contact us.

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