As many people will have this change forced upon them with the Coronavirus and subsequent restrictions, I thought it may be useful to share my experience from making the same transition years ago so others can adapt quicker than I did.

You will find the following Tips and a further explanation in the PDF;

  • ā€œWhere is everyone?ā€, dealing with the isolation
  • Separating work-time from home-time
  • Making the most of the physical environment you find yourself in
  • The importance of routine during the working day at home
  • The tech stack, what I use, and changes made to my Wi-Fi

The tips and observations I share will not work for everyone, but they did work for me. I would encourage others to share some tips and challenges they faced to help others, in any small way, with what can be a daunting change.

Discover the tips on transitioning from Office to home working by clicking the image below.

Image that links to the homeworking tips document